SIC Central Sim Ride

SICRide Report

Great weather, nice scenery except the dead skunk carcass. Ride was a brisk 16.5mph pace for 25 miles and I caught a flat tire on the way back, thanks to Richard coming to the rescue with the C02 and Ron with the moral support.

SIC Central Took Flight

SICRide Report

We had 8 riders tonight – Jerry, Richard, Warren, Ron, David, Don, Pat and myself. I was running late and the group took off with me playing catch. It took a while but I caught them. Based on the pace they were running I began to wonder if I would be able. No mechanicals and a frisky bunch laid down …

SIC Central under dark and stormy skies

SICRide Report

Richard, Warren and myself enjoyed some ride time and dodged the threatening storms. One small mechanical when Richard threw a chain but nothing serious. We ran the county coast to coast finishing our 27 miles at at a solid 16.5 AMS. Come join us on a Wednesday night soon!

AJR Breakaway

SICRide Report

A few of us ran off the front of the AJR on Saturday feeling frisky and spirited. A fun time! No mechanicals and the weather was perfect. Led out by Jean Luc we were 4 strong with Warren, Eric and myself.

C riders are AWESOME!

SICRide Report

Charles and I had a great time chatting and riding today. It was Charles first ride with SIC and I had a blast hearing his stories! It’s always fun to get to know new people!!!

SIC Root Loop early May

SICRide Report

A nice relaxed loop around St Mary’s Lake. There were 2 of us plus as is usual at the lake many others joining for a lap or a piece – Everyone just doing their thing, riding their own ride, like it should be.