SWTR – SIC Winter Training Rides

Brian RainesHome, News

Announcing SWTR (SIC Winter Training Rides)

We all need some motivation when the days are short and the nights are cold.

Here’s your answer. This year’s winter motivation is not about winning prizes. It’s about being a part of a team and making a difference in the lives of others.

SWTR is a TEAM fundraising effort for World Bicycle Relief. Their mission is to help mobilize communities with life-changing bicycles. https://www.powerofbicycles.org/

And yeah, maybe you could win a pair of socks or some chain lube (or both) along the way.

Here’s how it works…

There are two parts to the effort – Part 1 in December is all about TIME, while Part 2 in January is all about DISTANCE.

Join the TEAM by visiting https://www.powerofbicycles.org/…/SolomonsIslandCycling88 to sign up for your account and donate $5 to join the team.

Each week includes a series of challenges that include riding ANY bike, ANYWHERE, ANY time – plus a cross-training activity AND a yoga/stretching activity, along with a BONUS box for the week.

Each box you check equals a $1 donation by you AND a matching $1 donation by the club (up to $330).

Why $330? It costs $165 to provide a bicycle to someone in a community that needs it. If we all do our part we could easily provide 4 bicycles in parts of the world where they are sometimes the only means of transportation.

Every week the club will have an activity planned to support you in your effort – maybe a 30-minute ride around Mully’s in Prince Frederick (with social time afterward), a 60-minute group indoor trainer time, or even a trip to a local bike trail for a 40-mile ride. We will also have a special place online for everyone participating to support, encourage, and at times, entertain each other.

At the end of each week, we will all tally our efforts, see how much money our sweat drops raised, and build a fundraising thermometer in the bike shop AND online to measure our success.

When it’s all over at the end of January we will gather the sheets, find those that tallied the most checkboxes, and enter them in a drawing for some prizes. And if the club meets its own goal of 4 bicycles we will plan an after-party at our February ride with coffee, hot chocolate, AND donuts.

Sound like fun? It will be and we hope you all will plan to participate.

Download the sheet and join the TEAM by donating $5 to get started!